Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Good Path

  Greetings to you all in the Name Of Jesus! Many Blessings  Be unto you and your Family.  Today We are encouraging you with choosing the Right Paths in your Season . Our God is Faithful and He cared enough for us to leave His Will ( The Word Of God )  to instruct, lead and guide us in every situation. Here is a scripture to encourage our hearts.  We suggest you read the complete Psalm 37. But these verses really blessed us. And remember The Word Of God Covers is. Psalm 37:27- 

Turn from evil and do good,
    and you will live in the land forever.
28 For the Lord loves justice,
    and he will never abandon the godly.

He will keep them safe forever,
    but the children of the wicked will die.
29 The godly will possess the land
    and will live there forever.

30 The godly offer good counsel;
    they teach right from wrong.
31 They have made God’s law their own,
    so they will never slip from his path.


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