Sunday, February 3, 2013

Faith Lifestyle

For in Him we live, move and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we also His offspring. [ Acts 17:28 KJV ]

People of the world don't understand  the life of a True Believer.  Its a total mystery to them. First we live  contrary of the way the world lives. We live by the Spirit of God [ Faith ] they live by and in the sense realm [fear]. When we are faced with a circumstance. We go to the Word of God to get directions. and allow the Holy Spirit to give us the answer. They run to worldly advisors and not to God.  Not to say we have a total easy life, No. But we know that the Just shall live by faith. [ Hebrews 10:38 ] And God will give us the Expected end. Remember, we have a higher level of understanding in Christ Jesus.  We have the mind of Christ. Our  faith in God causes us to be persistent and trusting God for our every need. Welcome to the Lifestyle of Faith. Stay Blessed!

Seer Gj

Copyright 2.2013

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