Friday, August 4, 2023



Good Day and Happy Friday. Today Our Study is from James 3. It never cease to amaze me of what comes out of people mouths. Some of the things said and posted on Social Media reveals the sickness and the condition of people hearts. One day some will say they are Blessed and then cursing flows from them the next. James said, "These things need not be." Can we be real here?, Do people really think that they can fool or play God? No, I am here to tell the truth. You are not being Blessed, you are being deceived by the evil one. This is the reason why many Lives are in total chaos because of their words. And it proves that Daily Self Examination and Repentance is vital, if you want to Live for God. [ The True and Living God of Truth ] I know we can't control what others do. But if we want to live under the Blessings of God. We must pray, and seek God not on Social Platforms. It is the desire of God to have divine fellowship with His Children. Tell Him what is happening in your life. Not to spill negative reports and daily flip flop comments. The Bible call these people Double Minded. We must be consistent and focused in the faith. And be Thankful we live for God and He is the Prince of Peace. So the end of this Lesson is this, “ Watch over your mouth.” And See your Life change. We are Praying for you! [ Read the Complete Chapter of James 3 , it will Bless You. Be encourage in the Lord! God is still God!

James 3:10-12

Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, this should not be! 11 Can both fresh water and bitter water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers, can a fig tree grow olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

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