Wednesday, June 28, 2023

God’s Power Is Perfected In Our Weakness

 Good Day in God Friends, God is Good to us!  Here is a testimonial message about the Strength of God Grace when we are weak.  This was the way He gave it to me. Read 2 Corinthians 12 and see The Holy Spirit unfold Himself to you.

2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Many times we’ve seen and studied this verse. Quoting, 

“ When We are Weak He is Strong.!” ( To paraphrase it ) But as Paul teaches here, We must continue in Faith and do not lose heart.  From my experience I was certainly strengthened through my weakness. Seeing all trials were temporarily as the Light of God showed me His Glory and changed my view of the trial .

My Testimony is God is Faithful to His Word. I was stricken in my health for months. I read God’s Promises, I prayed daily , anointed myself , took communion and continued to minister to others. I even went to the doctors. But as I did these things the enemy worked against my faith. That is the target he uses to try to convince us that God is not concerned. But we know He is a liar and the Truth is not in him. ( John 8:44 ) And as I continued to resist the wrong voices. I knew God was with me in this battle. But my I had to repent because I was questioning God timing and not listening to the Holy Spirit. But ! I knew God was teaching me as I was in this battle journey. I can’t tell it all here but I can say this. God Healed me! To His Glory! Not by me or any Human method. 

My Healing was two fold. I was Healed Spiritually and Naturally!  Praise God!  Here is some things God reset me about. 

2 Corinthians 4:18

“Don’t give up on God, fight against discouragement . Keep your Focus on God no matter what your feelings tell you. Continue in your Faith on what God said not anything else. 

2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Thank God for His Strength in your weakness. Keep reminding yourself that the Strength of God is Perfected in your Weakness. Receive God’s Grace for it is His desire to see us Victorious. As we yield to Him in our weakness to trust Him. Amen. Until the next time. Continue to Live in the Peace of God through Our Precious Jesus Christ.

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