Monday, March 13, 2023

We Are Healed!

     Good Day Blessed People of God. Today let’s refresh ourselves about Healing. So many of us are in need of Healing. THE WORD SAYS YOU’RE HEALED. “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” (I Peter 2:24) Not going to be  WERE HEALED — Jesus already did it two thousand years ago. He’s not going to do any more to heal you.

   You stand  on what God said and deny that sickness the right to exist in your body. Lay hold upon it by faith, confess the WORD OF GOD over it, and say, “I may hurt, but in the NAME OF JESUS I AM HEALED.”

   That may sounds like a crazy to the lost.  But  I’d rather look crazy than being called sick. The Promises of God is True because God said it would. God tells you in His Word YOU CAN HAVE WHAT YOU SAY and the just shall live by faith... not sight!

   We must learn to believe more in what God’s Word says rather than our feelings. Feelings change from day to day. The Word of God never changes. It always stays the same, regardless of how you feel. How you feel has nothing to do with God performing His Word.

   James said if you can control the tongue you would have no trouble with the body. He said the tongue is to the physical body (THE RULING FACTOR) as bits are to a horse. They are both in the mouth, and they also have control of the physical body. He said, if you would control the tongue, you would not have any trouble with the body. Let us  continue to watch the words we speak over our bodies. Speaking only Life. Only then  we can live  that God has already ordained for us through His Word.  

We are Praying that everyone that reads this note. Will walk in Divine Health, In Jesus Name ! Amen

The Kingdom Truth

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