Thursday, February 16, 2023

Working the Fields

 Witnessing about the Goodness of God can be intimidating in the beginning. Because we don’t know how the Message of God will be received. But with the Help of the Holy Spirit. Fear has no place. Beloved  People of God. We are seeing the Word of God unfold before us. We must work the Harvest while we have time. There are many that need to see what we see. And that is the Light of the Gospel in a dark World. This is not the Will of God that anyone perish. ( 2 Peter 3:9 ) Here are some Witnessing pointers we’ve learned from Colossians 4:6  EXB) 

6) When you talk, you should always be kind ( gracious) and pleasant ( winsome; engaging; or wholesome; seasoned with Salt so you will be able to answer everyone in the way you should. With those Words of Wisdom , Let’s get busy. 123

1) God Message is simple. ( Man is separated from God by  sin. )

2) God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross and pay the price for our sins.

3) If we turn from sin, embrace Jesus as our Lord and Savior and Follow Him , We Can be forgiven and enter into a New Relationship with God. 

Have a Blessed Day, God Is With Us!

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