Saturday, February 18, 2023

New Thing

 Hello Friends, God’s Blessings Be! unto you.

There has been a thought that I keep hearing in my spirit. I checked myself in prayer. Ask God is this what you want me to say? I felt a release to share with those that probably has sense the same Word. God impressed me to say” We are going to See some things that We Never thought we would See in 2023” This is not a scare tactic or to lead into fear but to prepare.( Amos 3:7 )  To God Be The Glory!!!!

Let pray in Unity that God will continue to Bless us with His Wisdom.


Isaiah 43:18-19

18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.

19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Working the Fields

 Witnessing about the Goodness of God can be intimidating in the beginning. Because we don’t know how the Message of God will be received. But with the Help of the Holy Spirit. Fear has no place. Beloved  People of God. We are seeing the Word of God unfold before us. We must work the Harvest while we have time. There are many that need to see what we see. And that is the Light of the Gospel in a dark World. This is not the Will of God that anyone perish. ( 2 Peter 3:9 ) Here are some Witnessing pointers we’ve learned from Colossians 4:6  EXB) 

6) When you talk, you should always be kind ( gracious) and pleasant ( winsome; engaging; or wholesome; seasoned with Salt so you will be able to answer everyone in the way you should. With those Words of Wisdom , Let’s get busy. 123

1) God Message is simple. ( Man is separated from God by  sin. )

2) God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross and pay the price for our sins.

3) If we turn from sin, embrace Jesus as our Lord and Savior and Follow Him , We Can be forgiven and enter into a New Relationship with God. 

Have a Blessed Day, God Is With Us!

God’s Kingdom Is Among Us


Hello Friends, Grace & The Mercy of God Be Among you all. I wrote this truth that was given to me years ago from the Holy Spirit. One sure way to stay consistent with God is to stay God Conscience. Knowing God is with us no matter where we are. The World is a terrible place but God has assured us of His Covenant. Let’s just look at the Book of Luke and his description of the Kingdom of God. It put it all in perspective.

Luke 17: 21 Nor will they say, 'Look here!' or, 'Look over there!' For behold, the Kingdom of God is within you and around you.

The Kingdom of God, which is within you and around you,
is a parallel dimension that occupies the same physical space in which we live. To enter the Kingdom of God within and around us, is to be dramatically translated to the spiritual dimension by the Holy Spirit, in union with Jesus and God. Also walking on earth by the light of God. The world passes away from our sight when the Kingdom is entered.
Causing us to walk in two Worlds. PTL!

Stay Blessed People of God, God is with Us.