Friday, September 1, 2017

Too Blessed to Be Stressed!

With all that is  going on in this World.  How many times have we heard,  We are too Blessed to be stressed? And it is a true saying.  But another way of saying this could be, " If we are Stressed we will never be Blessed!" Stress or better known as Anxiety  is a terrible emotion, it  plays on our feelings to make situations worse than it really is.  It magnifies problems thats really not a problem.   the problem,
 is given to God.   Praises be to God!  He left us an instruction Manuel called Our Bibles.  Lets look at some words that came from Our Manual that explains God's feelings about Stress.  Here is my Favorite. Its from Philippians 4:6-7 [ Voice Translation ]

" Don't be Anxious about things; instead, pray.[ Pray about everything].  He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be Thankful for what has come. And know that the Peace of God [ A Peace that is beyond any and All of our human understanding ] will stand watch over our hearts and minds in Jesus, The Anointed One" Amen! Now did you see the last sentence footnote? It says that the Peace of God will Stand Watch!  Over our hearts and minds as long as our focus is on Jesus. When our focus is on God, there is a Peace that transcends, surpasses All comprehension. Now how can we Stress, Worry or be Anxious after hearing the Good News of Jesus? Until We meet here again, " We are too Blessed to Be Stressed!"

**Addition Bible Verses:

Romans 8:6

Matthew 11:28-30

Isaiah 55:1-3

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