Thursday, February 19, 2015

We Need To Pray

We as a people that have the freedom to serve God take it for granted. We have choices of buildings that's comfortable, carpet, elaborate musical instruments and etc.  And most of the time you will find people there that is ungrateful. While we sit in these buildings here, there are people in this world that's fighting for that freedom. And we, sometimes will not be obedient enough to pray or support each other ministries or even go to Bible Study. It's sad but true. When I saw the 21 Christians losing their life for Christ, my heart skipped a beat. One News Agency over seas posted this, and I quote,
The video of their beheading, released on Sunday, shows that “in the moment of their barbaric execution”, some of the Christians were repeating the words “Lord, Jesus Christ,” he said." Lord have mercy on your people. Let us pray for the Loved ones of these that lost their life for Christ. Let us pray for ourselves. That we will be bold enough to take a stand for God even unto death. It's easy to sit back talk about God but what are we doing as a body? Pray, Pray and Pray because it could have been us, if it had not been for God's grace and mercy.
Matthew 24: 9 ( Amp )
Then they will hand you over to suffer affliction  and tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by All nations for My name sake.

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