Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Revelation vs. Exposure Of The Spirit

I wanted to post this Word from the Lord from the time it was given to me on 12/ 14/2014. The night that the Holy Spirit gave it to me,after it was revealed I had a strong sense of God's Holy Reverence. It wasn't like fear but at the same time there was an urgency. I knew I couldn't release it until I got confirmation. I don't shout from the rooftops when God shows me things. I don't compile from other people comments and say I got a word on social media. God gave me this blog some years ago for this very purpose. Now in Feburary, I am seeing it clearly. In the Book of Amos, Chapter 3 verse 7, it states : " For the Lord God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the Prophets."

 So let me began by giving the definition of these 2 words that was given.....**Revelation - the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans relating to human existence or the word. **Exposure- the revelation of an identity or fact, especially one that is concealed or likely to arouse disapproval. ( synonyms - uncovering, disclosure, unveiling, unmasking, discovery.

The Year 2015- " The Light has come!" Isaiah 60: Arise and Shine for the Light has come.
      I heard Luke 12:3 ( ESV )-  Therefore whatever you said in the dark shall be heard in the Light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.
To the Just there will be more Revelation of the Light. More Light to minister in this hour. More Light to shine on those that want more. ( Hunger for Righteousness ) More Light to guide others out of darkness.  Deeper Revelation and Clearer Words from God will come quickly. And darkness can not touch it, for it will know it is the Light. Be Prepared.

 Exposure> darkness will be exposed by the Light. Whatever is hidden will be known. Dark secrets that was not repented will become open. Men will be stripped of masks, Ministers will be exposed but  people will choose to follow their false doctrines. More small fellowships will form quietly in America as over in China. Many people that seem to be great and popular will deceive many.
I have so much more and scripture to back it but I will stop here. People of God, Please pray and ask God to reveal these areas to you, be quick to Repent.
> Exposure : John 3:19-21.

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