Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Praise and Pursue

2 Corinthians 10:4 [ESV]- For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

Lets look at Paul and Silas when they were faced with a serious trial. Instead of looking at the problem and complain. They thought about this verse.  They probably said, " Wait a second, We taught on this in Corinth."  We all have been in this place and realized, this is the trick of the enemy." This is fear, False- Evidence-Appearing-Real. So what weapon did they used? PRAISE! they began praying and singing praises to God. Next came the earthquake which released them  from jail ( ACTS 16;25) just think about it, these two singing and praising at midnight. And  it caused Breakthrough in the complete region, to preach the Gospel. Glory To God! There are many examples of the Power of Praise. Remember the Tribe of Judah in 2 Chronicles 20:22? We have access to this power any time we need God to shake in our lives. The enemy hates it when we praise God. It is a reminder of God's Greatness and that we are His people. We have the Victory through our praise. One of my favorite saying is,  Praise and Pursue!!!!!

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