Friday, January 25, 2013

Applying the Word of God

Just think about the word of God for a moment. And how Great and Powerful it really is. Through it the Worlds were created, Miracles happened and our New Lives were birthed. We can also look at it another way. Jesus used the Word to defeat  satan in the wilderness. He did this and much more that we don't have time to tell it all. If we would focus our thoughts and apply  the Word of God it to our lives. We would see more changes in our lives beyond belief. First we must do more than just reading the Word of God. We must meditate and memorize the Word, so we can pray and apply it to our lives. This is taking up the Sword of the Spirit and using it as our defense and offense.

Hebrews 4:12 [ CEB] Because God's Word is Living, Active, and Sharper than any Two-Edged Sword. It penetrates to the point that it separates the soul from the Spirit and the joints from the marrow. It is able to judge the heart's thoughts and intentions.

* Copyright @1.25.13

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