Sunday, September 22, 2024

Refresher, God's Perfect Will for Our Life

Happy New Season!  Romans 12:1-2 is Our Key Study Verse. With the World aligning up according to Prophecy. I thought this would be a Refresher of Our Faith Study.. Here We see its a conditional promise in part. The end part of verse 2 contains the promise. If we really want God's perfect Will for Our lives, we must meet these 3 conditions in these 2 verses.

1. We Must Present Ourselves to God as  Living Sacrifices.

We must recognize that we as Christians belong to God. In 1 Corintians 6:19-20 Our bodies belong to Him and we must cease from sin.  Because Jesus  paid for us at Calvary. This  is the meaning of a Living Sacrifice, By Putting away our own will and replacing it with the will of God.

2.We Must Not Be Conformed To This World.

 In  order to know the will of God is to Not copy the behavior and ways of the world. When this verse speaks about the world it is not referring about the Planet earth.  But, it's speaking about the mentality, and ways of these times.  And having  the  mindset that is disobedient  and hostile to the things of God. Their focus is on  men selfish desires and customs. 

3. We must be transformed by the Renewing of Our Minds.

And this process is to saturate our minds and hearts with the Word of God. His Word will spiritually build us up. We can't be slack on reading His Word, spending time in Prayer, and Praising & Worshipping God for His Goodness. We must keep  our minds on the things of God. Which is TRUTH.   Read  Philippians 4:8  Paul instructs us to fix our thoughts on what is true ,honorable and righteous. This is a vital refresher for us to remember. This helps us to be able to accurately discern the Will of God. and to not be tempted and deceived. I know someone is thinking I know this, Ive read this Chapter many times. Again this is a refresher to keep our mindset & hearts  on the Will of God. The enemy is evangelizing his people. We must evangelize for souls to enter Heaven. The battle has upgraded. We must stay Alert,  Prepared and Prayed up. There are many traps and distractions. But God has assured the Faithful We Win!!!!

Until next time, Stay Prayerful

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