Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 Paul is teaching here in Romans 8 :6-8 the two ways of Life. To walk in according to the flesh is yielding to the desires of Our old life. Or, To walk in the Spirit is following the desires of the Holy Spirit. Or live to Please God.  We know living in the flesh cannot Please God.  But we can change this. Once we enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ, God frees us from the vicious cycle of sin and death through the Power of  His Holy Spirit. Some may ask do we need to live in the Holy Spirit?  Yes, He is the basis of Our Freedom.  In essence , We receive the Holy Spirit by accepting Jesus Christ in Our lives.  Which  has made us Servants of Jesus Christ and not a slave of our sinful nature. Paul used the word Doulos, which means “ Servant by Choice” A word used in the Roman culture. We understand the Only way to be Free from sin is to be bound to Jesus. 

Unless we completely surrender Our life to the Lord, all efforts to live a pure life will not happen. Don’t deceive yourselves in thinking that you can enter in by good works. It will not happen until We accept Jesus as Lord of Our Life. And be obedient to His Will. So , please examine your heart, and not what or how someone else is serving God. We will not answer God for someone else. This is a personal choice,  Repent, Ask Jesus to be Lord over your Life. And live a Life of Freedom and Peace in this Life and the one to Come. It’s your choice.  ( Please Read the Complete Chapter of Romans.)

Romans 8:6-8

Now the mind of the flesh is death [both now and forever—because it pursues sin]; but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace [the spiritual well-being that comes from walking with God—both now and forever]; the mind of the flesh [with its sinful pursuits] is actively hostile to God. It does not submit itself to God’s law, since it cannot, and those who are in the flesh [living a life that caters to sinful appetites and impulses] cannot please God.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

A True Disciple Of God Counts The Cost.

 Praise the Lord! God has blessed us with another Sunday. Praying All is well on this Heavenly Journey.

Today, I was impressed to study about True Discipleship.  Amen.  Some call themselves Christian and others rather called themselves Disciples. Which we know there is a difference between  True Disciples and Christians. But today it's about the True Disciples.  When I saw what I was going to Study, I thought this  is a good topic Lord. Because I had a completely different topic. But God knows what his people need. I went to the Book of Luke Chapter 14:25-33. [ Please Read this complete  Chapter ]  The Holy Spirit may show and teach you another lesson. These verses 25-33 are speaking about "Leaving All To Follow Jesus" . And Counting the cost to become a True Disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ [ The Anointed One ]

As Jesus stop and begin to speak to the people. For he had became a popular name among the people.  People flocked around Him wherever He went. But there were some that wasn’t following Him for the right reasons. They were attracted to the miracles done. As Jesus directed His Meeting and spoke to those people who were following Him for selfish reasons , rituals or its just a thing to do . But there were some Followers that desired to follow Jesus in obedience , accepting to cost of discipleship. And in the same way, Jesus doesn't want You  and I to follow Him only when it is Convenient or Socially acceptable. He wants us to be His True Disciples as long as we are on earth and beyond. Regardless of how easy or difficult it might be. This is why we must count the cost of  being a True Disciple of Jesus Christ .


So there are some that may not understood fully or thought about counting the cost. Or thought , “that’s what we are”.  Or you may hear someone say, “ I’m Sold Out”?  But are you really? Look at  the following 4 questions and  ask yourself these questions. It will give some insight and we can locate ourselves spiritually.

* Do you love Jesus more than anyone or anything else in your life?

*Do you love Jesus and desire His Will for your life over your own?

*Are you willing to accept being talked about, ridicule and sacrificed for the cause of Christ?

* Will you commit to following Jesus, whether its popular or look upon as  to heavenly minded?

If you have carefully examined your heart, with these questions. Counted the cost and can truthfully answer Yes to these questions. Then you are on the way to Discipleship  and continually live your life as  His Disciple.  Which is a Wonderful Place in God. So from this Study. Jesus is not looking for half-hearted and  faithless  Followers. He wants our complete trust , loyalty and commitment . Amen.  God is Good. And We are sensitive to His instructions, Amen.  Well , Fellow Disciples. Until Our Next Study, Have a Blessed Sunday and upcoming Week.  Remember , “ A Disciple Must Count The Cost.”

Sunday, August 4, 2024

These Things Need Not Be

 Good Day and Happy August, Today my Study is from James 3. It never cease to amaze me of what comes out of people mouths. To curse themselves.

For example. Some things people post on Social Media reveals the sickness and condition of people hearts. One day some will say they are Blessed and next is cursing flowing . James said, "These things need not be." Can we be real here?, Do people really think that they can fool or play God? No, and I am here to tell the truth. You are not being Blessed, you are being deceived by the evil one. This is the reason why many Lives are in total chaos because of their words. And Daily Self Examination and Repentance is vital, if you want to Live for God. [ The True and Living God of Truth ] I know we can't control what others do. But if we want to live under the Blessings of God. We must pray, and seek God not the things of the World. It is sad to read people personal business on Social Media whether I know them personally or not. I don't think anyone here want to see negative reports daily or flip flop comments. I live for God and He is the Prince of Peace. *** This is my Personal Opinion, and We are Praying for you! [ Read the Complete Chapter of James 3 , it will Bless You. Be encourage in the Lord! God is still God! And His Word is Truth!

James 3:10-12

Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, this should not be! 11 Can both fresh water and bitter water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers, can a fig tree grow olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.