Sunday, June 2, 2024

You don’t have a Right To Judge Others

Congratulations, God has blessed us to witness another New Month. We thank Him continually for His Grace & Mercy towards us. As Ministers, We always have an opportunity to discuss the Goodness of God.  Even when situations don’t happen the way We want it. God is still Good to His People. We are living in times where some are so full of fear. And they are not thinking realistically. This is when we must seek God and continue to draw help from His Word. 

One area we must keep a close watch on is Judging Others. This action will put us in danger of giving the devil access to our hearts. The place of darkness where death is manifested from fear. I pray that you consider what and who you are Judging. Because you really don’t want to be an agent for the devil. By being disobedient to God and opening a curse over your life.  God  has made this Subject plain. Do not Judge others. In reality, you are Judging yourself . Amen,  We want to stay in position where Our Covenant Rights flows from the Kingdom of God.  And this  is only motivated by the Love of God. And keeping His commandments over Our Lives. Below is what Jesus taught usin Matthew 7.[ Easy Read Version. ]

Jesus then said, ‘Do not say to anyone, “You are a bad person.” If you do that, God will say to you, “You are a bad person.” God will think about you in the same way that you think about other people. He will use the same rules for you as you use for other people.

Perhaps you want to tell your friend about his little mistake. If you want to do that, first remember your own bigger mistakes. 

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