Sunday, March 17, 2024

Living By The Leading Of The Holy Spirit

 Happy New Month of Marching toward God’s Kingdom.  The Word of God tells us in His Word. “ This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” Galatians 5:16.  Some may ask, 

What is lust of the flesh?  One answer , It’s being control by Worldliness pleasures to distract us from living Our Best Life for God. Which we all know sin leads us to death. I looked up some definitions of Lust.  One defined it as an intense desire for an object or circumstance (sexuality, money or power to indulge one self. This alone is more the reason to Walk in the Spirit. So we will not act on the promptings  of the flesh. But rather be dominated by the Spirit of God. As we read and meditate on God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in this life. And being obedient to the things of God. Doing these things God’s Way will constantly make  Life Adjustments . And this will keep us from being deceived from the wickedness of this World.  

God knows every jot of Our Lives. He knows Our future and Us being Lead by the Holy Spirit will show us all the traps set by the evil one. Through the spirit of lust.  Let us follow to continue to yield to the Holy Spirit Leading to avoid the sins and hardships that others live without God. Thank God for  His Leadership. We are So Blessed .

Have a Wonderful Day in God.

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