Saturday, December 2, 2023

It’s Your Responsibility

 Kingdom Watch. The More You know, the Greater Your Responsibility.

Luke 12: 47-48 ( ERV)

That servant knew what his Master wanted him to do. But he did not make himself ready or try to do what his Master wanted. So that servant will be punished very much! But what about the servant who does not know what his Master wants? He also does things that deserve punishment. But he will get less punishment than the servant who knew what he should do. Whoever has been given much will be responsible for much. Much more will be expected from the one who has been given more.

This is a great verse and I suggest to get the just of this word, read the complete Chapter. It plainly states in this verse, we will be held accountable for what we know. This can apply to our natural life as well as our spiritual life. For example, if we are in management and do the job of a lay person. Do you think you will be called in the office to chat? No, you are experienced but is slack on your job. Its the same as if we disobey God’s word, we know what to do but became slack at working the Word. And we will reap the consequences. But when we are obedient and share spiritual knowledge and do the work of the Lord, we will reap His rewards. Lets ask ourselves these questions, “What are you doing with the knowledge and insight God has given you?” Are you using it to glorify or to condemn? You decide.

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