Thursday, April 27, 2023

Oh The Seeds We Sow

  We often hear about seeds  whether its describe as words, prayers etc. But do we ever think about spiritual seeds goes through the same process as a natural seed, to mature to a plant. Here is just a glimpse of that process. When a seed is planted in the ground, germination happens. Germination is the process in which a seed changes from a state of dormancy (just a seed) to a growing, living plant.

A seed contains a tiny plant embryo as well as all of the nutrients an emerging plant needs to begin its growth cycle. In order for the plant embryo to become a plant, key environmental factors must be present when the seed is planted.

Good ground is that environment that the seed must be planted. Seeds don't just grow in the soil. The pressure of the soil press the seed to grow. So does our spiritual seed when planted. Expect pressure to come because without it we may never see the plant. Isn't fascinating how God created everything for its purpose.

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