Saturday, July 2, 2022

From Ruff To [ Must Be ] Ready

 Praises to Our God for His Goodness and Mercy toward His People. This morning as I lay in my bed  I could hear from my window, the birds announcing it’s a New Day. And my mind took me back to a Sunday School lesson. In Matthew 6:26  about the care God gives fowls of the air. And how we know our Heavenly Father cares for us more.  I Thank God for my Salvation . Knowing God causes us to be thankful in All things.  Things that the World takes for granted. Such as pain in others, birds, weather patterns and etc.  I know because I was one of them.

But by the grace of God and His Tender Mercies. He drew me back to my Covenant Place in Him. Yes it was God that drew me because he never left me [ Hebrews 13:5 ] even when I was out of His will.  This is what we explain to non-believers, don’t waste your time in Life. Take the first step in his calling and He will help you in your next step. He did it for  All of His Covenant People. We are God’s Receipts in the Earth that He is Real. We understand , for We Live in Both Worlds. But our allegiance is to The Kingdom of God. 

 In 1 Peter 5:10 ( CSB ) The God of All Grace, who called you to His Eternal Glory in Christ, will himself Restore, Establish, Strengthen, and Support you after you have suffered a little while. 

This verse is so true and those of us that were living the ruff life [ Without Jesus ] knows exactly what Peter is saying. Don’t keep living the Ruff  Life but Be Ready to Live Blessed Life. Repent of your sins and accept your eternal invitation through Christ Jesus. It’s just that simple. Amen!

I want to leave this Bible Verse with you ( The Reader )  Matthew 24: 44  “Therefore Be Ye Also Ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man Cometh.”  [Read Complete Chapter ]  I’ve read over 20  translations and in every one the core message is Be Ready! 

Thank God and Thank You for reading this message. Peace and Joy Be unto you. Until our next visit🕊

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