Monday, September 7, 2020

September Word Of God

Greetings Pastors, Evangelist and All Ministries of Help.

We are Thanking God daily for His Mercy and Truth toward His People.  We are sharing this Month on the Subject of “ The God whom We Serve!”  Daniel 3: 17-18

“ If it be so, Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the fiery finance, and He will deliver us out of thy hands, O King; but if not, be it known unto thee, O King, that we will not serve thy god’s, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.“

This was the answer of the Hebrew boys to Nebuchadnezzar. Our God whom we serve is worthy. They not only acknowledged God and worshipped Him but they additionally served Him at every In this and every opportunity. Let us keep this story in remembrance as these 3 Hebrew  boys, that we will worship and serve only the Lord our God. And not place anything before Him as Our Lord.  Our God seek those that worship Him Only in Spirit and in Truth. This is His declaration as Head of the Church. To those that serve Him only.

 We at Kingdom Truths Global Ministries humbly Thank Everyone for their  Prayers and Gifts. 

In God Service,
Pastor’s & Evangelist Gill & Gloria Gilliam

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