Sunday, December 2, 2018

Still In The Race

Praise God! For His Goodness toward His People.  I haven't written here for a while but God is Faithful. Amen.  Let me bring everyone up to speed of what God has done.  God has promoted and entrusted  us at Kingdom Truths Global Ministries to go Around the World with the Gospel.  Many have received Jesus as their Savior and We all Glorify God for it.  Just last month 30 People are now Disciples of Jesus. Glory to God!  Out of KTGM Ministry, We are Overseers of   Kingdom Truths Church of Pakistan was birthed.  Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to 10 Villages and feeding Families, Widows and Orphans.

Also God open another  Door for us to join and support a Radio Program on the East Coast sharing the Love of Jesus through Prayer and the Word of God. There are so many that are hurting  in this World and this Ministry has Blessed many.  So Thank You to those that have donated to these Ministries with us. God will reward you Richly in this life and the one to come.  Amen. 

Lets Keep It Moving For Jesus!

Pastor's & Overseers Gill & Gloria Gilliam

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