Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What If ?

What If?

In our lifetime there is always challenges, choices and decisions. But there is one question that some may ask. And it is, " Suppose this was my last day on earth?" How would I really act? Would I go and call friends and loved ones? Would I give everything I own away? Maybe I would fast and pray for direction from the Lord. This could be a very hard decision if we didn't  know whether we are going to Heaven or not. This could be a place of examination of our actions and how we've treated others. Could repenting to God make this easier? What If?

      Through the short time we have on earth. I am reminded of God's  instructions on how we should live by His Word. One scripture that makes this point is  in,

2 Peter 1:3-4 

"His divine power has given us everything we need to experience life and to reflect God’s true nature through the knowledge of the One who called us by His glory and virtue. Through these things, we have received God’s great and valuable promises, so we might escape the corruption of worldly desires and share in the divine nature."
* God took the first step to rescue us from this corrupt world. He has granted us His power, revealed to us true knowledge, and spoken to us great promises. He has done all this for a reason: that we might participate in His own nature and reflect His own life. But we are not passive observers of God’s saving actions. We must receive His grace, grow in knowledge, and join Him in this work of redemption.

   So the answer is clear to, What If?  We serve a Loving God that rescued us from death unto life. And  He gave us everything we need through this transitional stage of life. We don't have to wonder,  What if God gave us one day to stay on earth.
 God has made it simple be  obedient and live according to His Will. 

If you have a question about where you are spending eternity. And you haven't  received Jesus as your Lord. Repent of your sins and invite Him in your life today. And you will never have to live a questionable life. Amen
G.G 2015©

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