Saturday, May 30, 2015


Today as I was in meditating in the things of God. There was a thought that pierce through my spirit. It is an issue that has imprisoned many Christians.  And the issue is Envy yes envy is alive in the Body of Christ. James spoke about what envy does in 

James 3:16Expanded Bible (EXB)

Where ·jealousy [or envy] and ·selfishness [selfish ambition] are, there will be ·confusion [chaos; disorder] and every ·kind of evil [evil thing/practice].
Many times a Christian will be a vehicle for the enemy to use them and not be aware that it exist. We must recognize that the spirit of envy comes in many forms. One of the enemy greatest tools is to come against spiritual gifts. A person may admire what God is doing in ones life and the next moment envy steps in. Doubts of who they are in the Lord and why haven't they experience that particular gift. These gifts are given by God for the operation of the Spirit for the Church. So why as the Church would we envy for the good of the Church? We wouldn't , it is a demonic snare. We read about the descriptions and  purpose of the gifts in. 

*Corinthians 12:7-11Expanded Bible (EXB)

Something from the Spirit can be seen in [The manifestation/disclosure of the Spirit is given to]each person, for the common good. The Spirit gives one person the ·ability to speak with wisdom [message/word of wisdom], and the same Spirit gives another the ·ability to speak with knowledge [message/word of knowledge]The same Spirit gives faith to one person. And, to another, that one Spirit gives gifts of healing. 10 The Spirit gives to another person ·the power to do miracles [works of power], to another ·the ability to prophesy [prophecy]. And he gives to another the ·ability to know the difference between good and evil [discernment/distinguishing of] spirits. The Spirit gives one person the ability to speak in different kinds of ·languages [or ecstatic utterance; tongues] and to another the ·ability to interpret those languages [interpretation of tongues]11 One Spirit, the same Spirit, does all these things, and the Spirit ·decides what to give [distributes just as he wishes to] each person.
     We must take a good look at ourselves  and examine every motive we have to be sure we are acting in love and not envy.  The spirit of envy is Bad Fruit because the Word tells that every evil work is attached to it. We don't have to be in prisoned by this spirit. God want His people to experience freedom and that can only be accomplished through the Fruits of the Spirit.

*Galatians 5:22-23Expanded Bible (EXB)

But the ·Spirit produces the fruit of [fruit of the Spirit is] love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, ·faithfulness [or faith]23 gentleness, self-control. ·There is no law that says these things are wrong [or No law can oppose such things].
Let's Pray, 
Father God, Thank You for your Precious Holy Spirit. And for showing us the hidden things that would hinder you from doing great works in our lives. Father God, we repent from envying and we ask for your forgiveness now. In Jesus Name! 
We are Free.

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