Friday, March 20, 2015

Look At The Fruit of the Trees.

Looking at the condition of the world and the actions of the people. Proves everyday that the Word of God is true. We expect and know that everyone will not believe that Jesus is coming back and that we must repent of our sins and receive Him as Lord. But watching the deception of those that claim to be Christians, is more than one can bear. God left His Covenant for all to live by and to all that desire to acquaint themselves to an attainable Father. There is no grey areas when it comes to the Word of God. It states that anything out of Faith is fear. This should be simple to understand. But mankind as decided that it knows better than God of what He meant. This is why I chose Matt 7 to describe what we are up against. It makes it plain, Roads that you will decide and while you are on that road. Keep watch of sheep that is assigned to lead us  astray. Also we are to look at the fruit of the trees along that  road. Making sure the right fruit is on the right tree. 
      People of God, I heard another Minister give  a word of advice that is real simple. And that was, " Read one chapter from the Old & New Testament daily and if you have teaching cd's, listen to one a day. This way we are storing God's Word that will come back when we need it. Because the signs are clear, Look at the Trees. 

Matthew 7:14-21The Voice 

14 Now then that narrow door leads to a narrow road that in turn leads to life. It is hard to find that road. Not many people manage it.
15 Along the way, watch out for false prophets. They will come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath that quaint and innocent wool, they are hungry wolves. 16 But you will recognize them by their fruits. You don’t find sweet, delicious grapes growing on thorny bushes, do you? You don’t find delectable figs growing in the midst of prickly thistles. 17 People and their lives are like trees. Good trees bear beautiful, tasty fruit, but bad trees bear ugly, bitter fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear ugly, bitter fruit; nor can a bad tree bear fruit that is beautiful and tasty. 19 And what happens to the rotten trees? They are cut down. They are used for firewood. 20 When a prophet comes to you and preaches this or that, look for his fruits: sweet or sour? rotten or ripe?
21 Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven. Simply calling Me “Lord” will not be enough. Only those who do the will of My Father who is in heaven will join Me in heaven.

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