Sunday, May 19, 2013

Unlimited Prayer Life

Revelation 1: 8 ( LEB)  " I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, the one who is and one who was and the one who is coming, the All-Powerful One."

Today was a blessed day and I sensed God's presence so strong .  Pentecost Sunday is celebrated and yes God showed up in a Mighty Way. And it started in the wee hours of the morning. When I received my orders to pray. While in prayer the Lord impressed me to pray in the Spirit. As I prayed God gave me the things to pray about in the Church and for His people. Some of the things that God was showing me was for the Leaders of the Church. I can't go into details about it for it was things that got God's attention. There were so many questions I had for the Holy Spirit. Because once you are in that Secret Place of God. The  Wisdom of God resides. Of course He answered, but He left me some nuggets to give His people. And that word was Infinite!

So I sought the definition of Infinite, - Limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate; [ example: An infinite number of stars]

So as I listened, the Holy Spirit went on to say, "People of God, you don't live by the realm of time as the world. My Spirit operates in Infinity. No space or time can with hold my Spirit!, for it is to vast. People  do not to pray and wait for the answer according to time. For I am a Spirit of Indefinitely and I am not restricted by time or space". This is why the faith  realm is so important. As in the Scriptures tells us........

Hebrews 11:6 [ CEB] -  Its impossible to please God without Faith because the one who draws near to God [Must Believe]  that He exist and that He rewards people who try to find Him.

G.J Gilliam


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