Sunday, November 12, 2023



Praise the Lord! People of God. Many Many of God’s Blessings be unto you.

I thank God for His presence and His Holy Spirit. For allowing His People to receive Salvation . We are praying for the Peace of Israel and the for World. Amen.  I want to share something’s that been on my heart. 

God has been dealing with me about what is to come. I will not go into everything he’s showed me. But one thing is for sure, We must not be wasteful of the things God has Blessed us with. But save for what’s coming. I am doing just that . I asked God to give me clearer understanding on this matter. And I was lead to read about  God Servant Jospeh in  Genesis chapters 41, and chapter 42. Which tells us about God warning Pharaoh  through dreams. 

This discussion is not to promote fear but to prepare us. God has assured us He would supply Our Every need in 

Philippians 4:19 ( NLT )

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

So when I heard in my spirit what God told me. “ You will see some things that you  thought you would never see. “

I am Watching and Praying for each and everyone of you.  May God Bless you and Keep us all.

©️Peace & Love

Kingdom Keys