Friday, February 4, 2022

The Name Of God Is Above All Names. Trust God


Happy February Kingdon Citizens. Blessings Be Unto you! In Jesus Name! I've been on a journey with God. Let me tell you all of how Faithful God is. 

Recently I endured a test concerning a My Health. I want to share just how Good God is to His People. But we must completely rely and trust God. It was not  Covid or something I would expect  but it was a dreaded disease that No one want to hear. [ A name that I will not release in the atmosphere]. Because Our God is above every name. Before any indication of disease, God began awaking me every night at 3 for 6 months. I ask myself what is wrong around me and I began to ask God. But there was only silence. 

So a rash appeared out of no where, it wasn't a normal rash but a maddening itching rash. I changed every product that came in contact with my skin . But,   Nothing Changed. I prayed, but there was only only silence. So my search begun with seeking answers from the Medical Field.  8 Doctors and no answers but there were always an opportunity to witness  about God. So each Doctor knew I believed God. Some listened and some brushed me off.  I finally found a Doctor that listened and prescribed a cream. But this time he examined me again. And said something is off Lets get some test done. Well, the Test needed a procedure to remove the problem. And here when the Battle began.

The enemy fought and cause the Doctor to make a mistake which cause much grief . But God spoke to me and said,    Be Still.  6 months later they done another procedure and found the problem.  Here another Doctor stepped up with a somber look and  gave us the  news. Pastor Gill cursed the disease at the root. And it amazed the Doctor because we did not act the way He thought with crying etc. But God was speaking as He was speaking and said the opposite. 

Long Story short, Every Word God said came to pass. The location of the area, every test was negative  and God Got the Glory! Hallelujah! People of God we must Listen, Stay in Faith and Trust God's  Report.  Not the Words of men.  Paul spoke this Truth in.......

1 Corinthians 2

Christian brothers, when I came to you, I did not preach the secrets of God with big sounding words or make it sound as if I were so wise. I made up my mind that while I was with you I would speak of nothing except Jesus Christ and of His death on the cross. When I was with you, I was weak. I was afraid and I shook. What I had to say when I preached was not in big sounding words of man’s wisdom. But it was given in the power of the Holy Spirit. In this way, you do not have faith in Christ because of the wisdom of men. You have faith in Christ because of the power of God.

True Wisdom Comes from God

We speak wisdom to full-grown Christians. This wisdom is not from this world or from the leaders of today.