Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Harvest Time

Jesus taught us in John 4:35 [NLT] You know the saying, " Its still 4 months between planting and harvest? But I say, Wake Up and Look around. The Fields are already ripe for Harvest.

How many times have we missed precious chances to witness about the goodness of God?  Thinking this might not be the Right Time.  Jesus knew and understood what a vital task this was and its timing.   As the  term Planting and Harvest used here is in the natural   crops such as corn. Its maturity is about 4 months.  So Jesus use this parable to  apply it here to the Supernatural. There is so much in the Word of God about  the Eternal Harvest. Lets pray that we never miss an opportunity  to plant or harvest a soul. Amen. Here are some Scriptures to read on this topic at your leisure . 

Genesis 8: 22

Genesis 4:3 

Matthew 9:37

Have a Blessed Day in Him!
Happy Fourth of July Friends.  From your Friends of Kingdom Truths Global Ministries .

Thank God for the Freedom that we have through Christ Jesus. Our Scripture today is in Galations 5:1

Christ Has Set Us Free!

For Freedom Christ has set us Free; Stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. 

Have a Blessed Day In Him!