Monday, February 20, 2017

God is Good

Praise God! For allowing us to be here once again. I haven't been here for a while as you can see. But it is all about the timing of God. Amen. I don't have a preset word here on Kingdom Keys. I just flow with what the Holy Spirit want revealed. That Word for today is God Timing and what are we saying. Many times we are ahead of God and what we think is God is from us.  Let us look to Word of God, in Psalms 127:1-2 [ERV]

" If it is not the Lord who builds the House, the builders are wasting their time.
If it is not the Lord who watches over the City, the Guards are wasting their time.

2) It is a waste of time to get up early and stay up late, trying to make a Living.  The Lord provides for those He Loves, even while they are sleeping.

Now we know there is nothing we can do on our own. It is only by the Grace of Our God.  We don't have to fret about Jobs, Families, Ministries and etc. All God want His People to do is, Pray and Trust Him and only Him. Its not with our emotions that will move God. It is Believing and that inner knowing that God love us enough to direct our lives. Our concerns is His concerns.  Again, as  Psalms 127: 2) states, " Even while we are sleeping, God Provides".