Thursday, September 10, 2015

Honor God With Your Time.

Honor God With Your Time.

Have you ever spent alone time with God and  become consume with the Holy Spirit? There is a Godly Reverence that floods and saturates our  spirit. Which causes us to sync with the Spirit of God. I can only imagine what it must felt like with the Fall of Man through Adam and Eve. The guilt, feelings  of remorse and knowing they could return to a place that God created for them.  And above all, the closeness that only comes through Fellowship with the Father. And knowing the state they were in I'm sure God sent His word to comfort them. Because God is Love. Our God created us to live in a fruitful Garden and Commune with Him. It was never intended for His people to perish. 

     One point that I've learned from Adam and Eve. And that's to stay in the Spirit and not in sight. The enemy ( satan ) will deceived us by causing things look pleasant to the eye. When God has genuine pleasant things around us that's better. I want to encourage someone today. The more of the Word of God ( Jesus ) you consume, the greater reverence you will have for the God . Amen. So Stay Blessed until the next time.
Evang.Gloria.  9.10.2015 ©

James 4: 7 -10

"So give yourselves to God. Stand against the devil and he will run away from you. Come close to God and He will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners. Clean up your hearts, you who want to follow the sinful ways of the world and God at the same time. Be sorry for your sins and cry because of them. Be sad and do not laugh. Let your joy be turned to sorrow. 10 Let yourself be brought low before the Lord. Then He will lift you up and help you."