Saturday, August 8, 2015

Can God Trust You.

Can God trust you?
During my quiet time with the Lord. The thought came to me about trust. Many times we put our trust in others only to be disappointed. Because many people don't walk in integrity. Can you just imagine how many times we disappointed God in areas of trust?. Paul describes the trust God has in us in this scripture........

1 Corinthians 4:1-2

People should think of us as servants of Christ, ·the ones God has trusted with his [and stewards/household managers of God’s] ·secrets [mysteries]Now in this way ·those who are trusted with something valuable [stewards; household managers] must ·show they are worthy of that trust [be found faithful]

When I read this, I repented for not seeing the depth of trust that God has in me. And as always I apply the Word to my life first before I look at others. But I've come across many that are deceived in their hearts that they are in truth. They think it's nothing to lie and mistrust others. Telling fables and envying others  Thinking its a small thing. No it's not a small thing if we can't be trusted by others. Imagine how much can God trust us.

Paul explains the attributes    of a mature believer in a way that may be easily contrasted with the desires of an immature believer. He spoke about seeking love and truth more than popularity, embracing suffering rather than comfort. In essence he disregards popularity and comfort  so that he isn’t distracted from the love and truth of Jesus. This could be a powerful force in the world if believers embraced this type of maturity in truth.
      So I want you ( The Reader ) examine your heart. Can God trust you as His Servant? Can He trust you to seek Him with your whole heart? Can He trust you to be Still to hear and know His will to show it with love to others?  Only you have the answer to this question. And only God sees your heart felt answer. Amen. Be Blessed! In Jesus Name.

 Evang. G.G ©8.8.2015